How to live in clarity, regaining faith in yourself so you can live in success?

Clarity and Faith

If human being were to live in their full capacities, abilities and capabilities, we would be astonished by our own selves. We have immense aspects to our selves that are far beyond our comprehension or understanding. We are beings of desires, wishes, dreams, intuitive insights, magic, artistic expressions, known and unknown. if we were to be clear, crystal clear about the vast Universe we all hold within there would be no doubt and without doubt faith would not be a dream anymore, but a reality. 

As a faith healer I have always recognized the power of these two, faith and doubt, their creations are dramatically different and so our destinies living from one or the other become either a dream of heaven or a dream of inferno (hell in latin). If you were to be clear, and remain clear about your feelings, thoughts and actions, you would feel life as long, immense, full of adventurous surprises that come your way. How much time do we spend doubting our own desires? It sounds amazing that human beings forget their real natures and their best asset and embark in a general amnesia that makes them slumber all through life. Faith and clarity become distant concepts somewhat philosophical more than ways of beings, of living, of creating.

Clarity in life is the precursor of the creation and manifestation of your desires. Faith is the vehicle. You can not have one without the other. Stop for a moment and feel what I have just said. Clarity and Faith cannot exist without the other. 

The program I am introducing here is by far one of my dearest passions in life manifested in the world of forms. If I could ever tell you my life you would see how faith has always guided me and has been a light in my heart all this time. This one and the intuition one are the most magical ones and the ones I love dearly. 


Act and decide from faith not fear!

Individual and Group Skype sessions available!

Meditations, Chakra Cleansing, Anger and Depression Removal

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 In this program you will recognize, realize and unleash the faith that lives within you since you were born. You unleash the inner God / Goddess that you are and you see life as your manifestation / creation  attraction. Faith is more than a feeling, thought or action, but is present in all of them. Acting and living from faith is very different than acting from fear or any other. The one that will see the results will be you. Your life will become magical. Magic is not fantasy. Magic is a higher vibrational energy from which we feel empowered. Time, decisions, dreams all combine in a happy way of living. You will know God: YOU!

Clarity and Faith

. Crystal Clear emotions / thoughts / actions. Awakening faith

. Third Eye Chakra, Seeing, Intuition

(all chakras will be addressed in this process with special focus on the third eye)

. Breaking Beliefs, Removing Obstacles, Releasing Fear

(process to remove obstacles and fear, the awareness of limits)

. Will, Clear Purpose, Meaning

(crystal clear perception, inner happiness)

. Crown Chakra and Faith, Self Healing

(you will meet the newest Healer on earth: YOU!)

2 bonus sessions

. Advanced meditation, dreaming, the unlimited within the body

(advanced meditation to the cells level, changing patterns, dreaming freely)

. Creation, Magic, Faith

Unleash Your Inner God!

Skype Me™!
Clarity and Faith

Photo taken by Silvino da Silva, 2010. Please do not copy, use without previous authorization. Thank you!

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